A fine blend of all things Nuts: Multimedia Collections, Toys, Foods, Concerts, Occasional Petting Zoo Visits, etc.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Primitives By Kathy Box Sign — Imperfection ()

That's the door to the NegLiner. I'm not a fan of the term "man cave." It has nothing to do with gender politics; I just personally find it to be a silly turn of phrase. You may find the practice of hanging affirmations about your abode to be equally silly. I generally do, too, and for a few years I contented myself with having a picture of this, on my phone. One day, though, I suddenly felt that my Jin collection was falling behind. It's still behind, and will ever be.

This will also ever be the most concise statement of Jin's life-philosophy (assembled from pieces of broken memories). Don't go throwing it about, because I suspect you could start splintering the wood pretty easily. Well, don't drop it is the more appropriate warning. It really is a box with the back missing, so I've got the top edge resting on three equally spaced nails. Of course it ended up being crooked 😁

5 Lovable Eccentrics Who Were Never Really Yours out of 5

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